Fat Low So...

Fat, Low and So... these are the words for an average Joe, coincidently it also the sound whinning as cantonese. Which I hope not the main purpose of this blog, indeed this would be a place for express, reveal, explore, share rather than a spot of trashing any negative element. Hopefully this will bring some enjoyment, factors, attention or whatever. And final but not last wish the coming years, all the people will not fall in this category of fat, low and so. Let's work together...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Trade Off

Everyday my time go so fast, while I aware it, it is almost before I hit to bed...Come back from work, dinner, after dinner short walk with El, rest, shower, TV time and bed...days go pretty routine...Arrrrrrr, life may be just something like that...However, I think may be now is the time to trade off something I comfortably do daily? Must cut down the TV time, so I can have at least an hour to read...yes, no joke, I need to read, people says don't sing to bull, but never say bull can not read...ha ha ha, yes, I found reading was much better than watching TV, at least the information stay in my head longer. Lately I have bought couple books, Six Sigma for Dummies (Yeah, the consequence of no quality person do Quality Assurance work), Statistics for Six Sigma Made Easy (Another fruit of aforementioned), Bicycling Magazine... Yeah, I need to read...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Newspaper- Suratkhabar (News letter in Malay)

Today while I tried to arrange my garage, I saw a stack of the newspaper. That is dad's newspaper which build up daily, try to recycle them...I don't normally have that many of newspaper until dad is here recently...

While I first learn vocabulary, I always use association, for example, I learned North, East, West, South from the word news (which with the 4 initials of these words), I heard that was how the "news" word came out, sources from north east west south...

Haaaaa, all the sudden I have an odd thought, may be in any quiet Malaysian gathering, we should play one of our old time favorite game, we call " Ta Bao Zhi" (Newspaper Hit), this game is equiped with one to couple home made newspaper bats (roll up a newspaper about a baseball bat size), leave it at the center, participant sit around this newspaper bat. Number of this newspaper bat could be varied from one to couple, depend on the aggressiveness of participants. Game rule is easy, those who got hit are allowed to pick up the bat to hit any other participants who they want, but one at a time... While I was in my raging hormone period, that was how we mingle with others, especially try to break the thick layer of ice between female friends...Remember this? ??? So when we gonna play???? What about July 4th??

Monday, June 26, 2006

Do you know this man?

Flip today Chinese entertainment news, hardly recognize the faces, they are just too young be my favorite artist...And also, I am not totally into this latest Asian paparazi.
Recently I have a same feeling while watching this World Cup game. I hardly call out any players name as I use to be. Well, I still see some familiar faces like Zidane, Ronaldo and.... not to mention Klinsmann, aka Golden Bomber...I have seen him playing for German in couple World Cups...I could not remember what position he played, but I know he is a good stryker... In this World Cup, I see him again, not as a player, but as a German Head Coach...
Here, in the memory of Klinnsman (he still alive), and my 10 years ago memory. Seeing him today just like listen to some good song, which had been long forgotten...KLINSMANN Juergen . By the way, have I mentioned I am big Brazil fan?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Mean Face

Heat beated Maverick 95-92 capture the NBA title

Friday, June 16, 2006

26 miles

Something has been running in my mind for a while. I even make a statement, if the gas price hit $4 per gallon, I will do it...Until this morning, I was still looking for an excuse not to do it... Hey, 5.30am, World Cup about to start, once in 4 years, better stay and watch the game? Errr... look like it is going to rain? What if people in the work place see me sweat like a fish? What if I had a flat tire? What if I got roll over by those freak out drivers? What if I wanted to shit half way to work? Hundred of silly "what if" in my head...
But something inside me forced me to wake up at 5.00am and got prepare, brought out the bike and close the garage door, and never look back.
Damn, here I am now... make another 26 miles in my ODO.
Well, look back, I just had another pre-action nervous symptom... hesistate...so, next time, if you feel like do it, just head down and crank the hell out-Do it... So P, will you do it next Friday??? Please don't ask me such question in such moment, a week of time is good to heel today pain...ha ha ha, also while I ride today, I found I am having same last name as the 7 times Tour de France winner, Mr. ArmstrOng. This will good to psy up for next week...ha ha ha...cool?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hari ini...(Rev.)

Hari ini, wa tengok satu M Lima, E39 di tepi perjabat K's place. Wahoo, look so cool even it is old, three points steering wheel, leather wrap shift knob. Emmm, wa patut ada satu M Lima sebelum 50 lah, empat pintu kereta, kelas ada kelas, power ada power, E 39 does not have that hard look like Vette, dan baru orang tahu kereta tahu M5 E39, wu bak jui...emmmm.... patut ada satu...
Then wa mandu wa ei 127 balik rumah. All the sudden, di tengah balik, wa nampak lain M5. Kali ini E60, yang baru punya, warna biru...KNN, pemandu wanita somemore. Kami tunggu di traffic light. Damn, apa patut wa jadi, Hoi!!! mahu lari tak? Warau Eiiii, the M5 emblem, the side vent and beef up fender, wa drolling kao kao...the light turned green, can not even smell the smoke of the Extreme Ultimate Machine...500 hp lawan 127 hp... mungkin masa itu 127 hp hanya ada 7 hp boleh lari...yang lain??? Hari itu, wang sangkut banyak tempat, $3.14 per gallon untuk 87, 120 hp patut simpan baik baik, VTEC baru buka tengah valve untuk pergi dan balik dari kerja...emmm

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Speedrace Wednesday

New experience with this kind of race, single cylinder engine, bike frame without rear suspension, a 1900s design motorcycle, 4 racers spin around to finish like drifting. The best part is, the race track is 3 miles away from my place...amazing...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


New ManNeedCure...

June 2nd, Selamat Hari Jadi