Trade Off
Everyday my time go so fast, while I aware it, it is almost before I hit to bed...Come back from work, dinner, after dinner short walk with El, rest, shower, TV time and bed...days go pretty routine...Arrrrrrr, life may be just something like that...However, I think may be now is the time to trade off something I comfortably do daily? Must cut down the TV time, so I can have at least an hour to read...yes, no joke, I need to read, people says don't sing to bull, but never say bull can not read...ha ha ha, yes, I found reading was much better than watching TV, at least the information stay in my head longer. Lately I have bought couple books, Six Sigma for Dummies (Yeah, the consequence of no quality person do Quality Assurance work), Statistics for Six Sigma Made Easy (Another fruit of aforementioned), Bicycling Magazine... Yeah, I need to read...