26 miles
Something has been running in my mind for a while. I even make a statement, if the gas price hit $4 per gallon, I will do it...Until this morning, I was still looking for an excuse not to do it... Hey, 5.30am, World Cup about to start, once in 4 years, better stay and watch the game? Errr... look like it is going to rain? What if people in the work place see me sweat like a fish? What if I had a flat tire? What if I got roll over by those freak out drivers? What if I wanted to shit half way to work? Hundred of silly "what if" in my head...
But something inside me forced me to wake up at 5.00am and got prepare, brought out the bike and close the garage door, and never look back.
Damn, here I am now... make another 26 miles in my ODO.
Well, look back, I just had another pre-action nervous symptom... hesistate...so, next time, if you feel like do it, just head down and crank the hell out-Do it... So P, will you do it next Friday??? Please don't ask me such question in such moment, a week of time is good to heel today pain...ha ha ha, also while I ride today, I found I am having same last name as the 7 times Tour de France winner, Mr. ArmstrOng. This will good to psy up for next week...ha ha ha...cool?
After the MTB with you, I bowed down to you. This time, Mr armstrONG, I salute you! but please be careful when sharing the road with cars.
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