Fat Low So...

Fat, Low and So... these are the words for an average Joe, coincidently it also the sound whinning as cantonese. Which I hope not the main purpose of this blog, indeed this would be a place for express, reveal, explore, share rather than a spot of trashing any negative element. Hopefully this will bring some enjoyment, factors, attention or whatever. And final but not last wish the coming years, all the people will not fall in this category of fat, low and so. Let's work together...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


This august is going to be a long one for me. The upside is, thing not happened sometimes October or November...Imagine that, losing job before those holiday seasons... see peoples wearing the warming red attire, slowly chewing and enjoy how dry the turkey texture is, and kids crying because they don't get the right playstation game...so, thanks god...
Tonight I read some of the article from T's blog, quote from T's golfing experience "If you keep doing the same thing, what do you expect the change? Miracle?" I kind of get the message, all the sudden, I have the different thought...same wordings, but having alternate understanding now...
I love dreaming, dream about one day have my dream car, dream house, dream bike and so on...how these dreams come truth? Miracle? Miracle only happen to those who make change, some one willing to move out their comfy zone. May be now is the time to change, or else the same thing I keep doing, these dreams will not escalate to reality until the day I die...Or say now is not a good time, then when? I must think now...people tends to understate while the new change is not solid clear yet, uncertainty, comfort zone are the factors...I should come out the time, what to do, and really do it one day. Be more down to earth, eventhough I try not to love too much the stinky smell from the dead president. After that I could start think about the secondary thing...but now, down to earth...Is this thing work??? How can I make it happen? God, I need your guidance for this...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so do you remembered who am I?


10:45 PM  
Blogger Fat Low So... said...

WH, yes I do...how are you?

11:07 PM  
Blogger Nihcymmot said...

Sometimes, we need to get out of the comfort zone...

1:29 AM  

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