Fat Low So...
Fat, Low and So... these are the words for an average Joe, coincidently it also the sound whinning as cantonese. Which I hope not the main purpose of this blog, indeed this would be a place for express, reveal, explore, share rather than a spot of trashing any negative element. Hopefully this will bring some enjoyment, factors, attention or whatever. And final but not last wish the coming years, all the people will not fall in this category of fat, low and so. Let's work together...
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Programing is very interesting task, with commands in sequence, human able to make more inteligence tool to help solving those meticulously task. One of the key word is sequence, you got to have this then that would happen.
Today I learned a good example of how critical sequence is . First, you can't go to Hooster to drink a night before race. Second, never do any major mechanic work a night before the race. This end up I screwed in my back yard race. Darn idiot. Shame on you.

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Month of April!!!

B Just got out from Hemorrhoidal check
C See some thing really big
D None of the above
When you got drunk...
Guys... in Hoosss...
Man in 30s, yes, we are having such quality family time in Hooters. EMMM, How possible? I thought that is the place for wings, and guy enjoys some BALL........games. Yeah, boy first experience something big... I mean big group of friends. Yes the answer above is C...
Monday, April 17, 2006

One thing I like about radio is, you never know what song will be played next, and the information flow in pretty live, not a routinely stuff. I always have my car audio in radio mode. Today while I on the way back, the radio host was trying to describe one of the best concert he has ever attended in life. The host started described scrutiny of the concert environment even without mentioned the band name, I already knew which concert he was trying to bring out. Because I was there, it is my all time favorite band- Beyond, Unplug in KL. The radio host also took the chance to play the very first song in the concert- I am Anger(Go Si Fun No). So you all know me, I was singing along like a freak mania in the black little Japanese tin can. I am unprecedented happy, feel like I have back to the time in the extremely tight jean and ultra pointy cowboy boots. Beyond Rock!!!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
We should never work by anticipate others will do, indeed we should always anticipate more even it might lead to double our work in order to do better job.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Irresistible Adorable

Breast Implant or Dice?
Yeoh! What is the different between Silicone and Silicon? TK, do you know the different? Or it is just another color and colour thing? Or I am just too silly here about silicone and silicon?
Not long ago I had a conversation with T about these 2 things, and lately same question raised again...Today, I spent some time to study this wiki wiki, found below information as most self explanatory form;
Silicon: Si, the 2nd largest element group in the earth crust. It has widely used in today semi conductive device. That is how San Jose named after. BGA, Chips, Dice...
Silicone: an inorganic polymer silicon-oxygen (Si-0), which is classified in elastomer. Gasket, fake boob, sealant, adhesive...
So, both of these are having Si, but Silicone is just the compound of Si with Oxygen and others. They are 2 different things but not entirely irrelavance. So... low pay engineer here earns a little dignity.