Fat Low So...

Fat, Low and So... these are the words for an average Joe, coincidently it also the sound whinning as cantonese. Which I hope not the main purpose of this blog, indeed this would be a place for express, reveal, explore, share rather than a spot of trashing any negative element. Hopefully this will bring some enjoyment, factors, attention or whatever. And final but not last wish the coming years, all the people will not fall in this category of fat, low and so. Let's work together...

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Another Cool Weekend Ride

Ever since grounded, this is the first time back on the trail. Well, I anticipated high heart rate pumping since did not really ride for a while...Hey, after ride, it is not that bad. That prove stationary bike will help to maintain too... So, get on the bike more frequent... this is what I do, I call it 30/30, may be you can try on bike, or even jog...First keep time with your wrist watch, start the first 30 sec of your own path, once that clock hit 29th sec, get ready to sprint in the 30th sec, sprint like there is no tomorrow for the second 30 sec. Do 5 sets of this, add in more set once you start feeling comfortable, you will find the different on the weekend ride. Stamina get better, even spank some bud on the basketball court...so, try it, and let me know. Wohoo!!! I am happy now...


Blogger Nihcymmot said...

Seems like you had a great outdoor weekend again :)

10:22 PM  

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